The Repository

The Repository is the basis of you messaging system. It let you fetch conversations and messages.

You can create it like this:

$repository = new \FOS\Message\Repository($driver);

It provides 4 methods:

List the converations of a given person

Usually in a messaging system there is an “inbox”: a list of conversations in which the current user is participating.

To retrieve this list, the repository provides the method getPersonConversations(PersonInterface $person, $tag = null).

You can use it either without $tag object (we will talk about tags a bit later) to fetch all the conversations of the given user.

Conversations will be sorted descending by date.

For instance, in a controller it could look like this:


class MessagingController
    public function inboxAction()
        // ...
        $repository = new \FOS\Message\Repository($driver);
        $conversations = $repository->getPersonConversations($this->getUser());

        return $this->render('inbox.html.twig', [ 'conversations' => $conversations ]);

Find a conversation by its identifier

The method getConversation($id) is quite easy to understand: it returns a single conversation by its identifier (or null if none is found).


Note that the security is not handled by the library: you should check if your user is allowed to access the conversation.

For instance, in a controller it could look like this:


class MessagingController
    public function conversationAction($id)
        // ...
        $repository = new \FOS\Message\Repository($driver);
        $conversation = $repository->getConversation($id);

        // Check access
        if (! $conversation->isPersonInConversation($this->getUser())) {
            throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();

        return $this->render('conversation.html.twig', [ 'conversation' => $conversation ]);

List the messages of a given conversation

One you have a conversation, you will probably want to display its messages. To do so, you have to use the method getMessages(ConversationInterface $conversation, $offset = 0, $limit = 20, $sortDirection = 'ASC').

This method has 4 arguments:

  • the conversation $conversation of the messages ;
  • the offset in the result set (for pagination) ;
  • the limit of messages to get (for pagination) ;
  • the sort direction to use (messages will be sorted by date) ;

For instance, in a controller it could look like this:


class MessagingController
    public function conversationAction($id)
        // ...
        $repository = new \FOS\Message\Repository($driver);
        $conversation = $repository->getConversation($id);

        // Check access
        if (! $conversation->isPersonInConversation($this->getUser())) {
            throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();

        $messages = $repository->getMessages($conversation);

        return $this->render('conversation.html.twig', [
            'conversation' => $conversation,
            'messages' => $messages,