The Sender

The Sender let you start conversations and reply to them.

You can create it like this:

$sender = new \FOS\Message\Sender($driver);

It provides 2 methods:

Start a conversation

The method startConversation(PersonInterface $senderPerson, $recipient, $body, $subject = null) will start a conversation with a sender and a single or multiple recipient(s). A first message will be posted in this conversation with a given body.

The method has 4 arguments:

  • $senderPerson: the user who started the conversation ;
  • $recipient: a single PersonInterface object or an array of PersonInterface ;
  • $body: the content of the first message of the conversation ;
  • $subject: in FOSMessage, subject is not required but you can provide one here ;

This method return the created conversation object (instance of ConversationInterface).

For instance, in a controller it could look like this:


class MessagingController
    public function startAction(Request $request)
        // ...
        $sender = new \FOS\Message\Sender($driver);

        if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
            $data = ...; // Find the form data for instance ...

            $conversation = $sender->startConversation($this->getUser(), $data['recipient'], $data['body']);

            return $this->redirect('conversation_view', [ 'id' => $conversation->getId() ]);

        return $this->render('form_start.html.twig');

Reply to a conversation

Once a user has started a conversation, other members could reply. The method sendMessage(ConversationInterface $conversation, PersonInterface $senderPerson, $body) does exactly that by replying to a given conversation, as a given sender with a given body.

The method has 3 arguments:

  • $conversation: the conversation in which the user want to post a reply ;
  • $senderPerson: the user who wrote the message ;
  • $body: the content of the reply ;

This method return the created message object (instance of MessageInterface).

For instance, in a controller it could look like this:


class MessagingController
    public function replyAction($id)
        // ...
        $repository = new \FOS\Message\Repository($driver);
        $conversation = $repository->getConversation($id);

        // Check access
        if (! $conversation->isPersonInConversation($this->getUser())) {
            throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();

        $sender = new \FOS\Message\Sender($driver);

        if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
            $data = ...; // Find the form data for instance ...

            $message = $sender->sendMessage($conversation, $this->getUser(), $data['body']);

            return $this->redirect('conversation_view', [ 'id' => $conversation->getId() ]);

        return $this->render('form_reply.html.twig', [ 'conversation' => $conversation ]);